Partners - Request a Library Lunch and Learn at GoldenComm
Do you have an awesome product or service that you think would benefit GoldenComm's client base? Consider sponsoring a Library Lunch and Learn in the GoldenComm Library. We’re flexible on the format, but the most common presentation looks like this:
21 minute “blackjack” presentation (meaning don’t bust)
20 minute question and answer session
20 minutes lunch social
It's a simple quid pro quo. We provide the space and audience, and you provide the lunch and content. We can recommend some popular lunch places that deliver and help you coordinate. You can expect 15-40 people in the audience, it just depends on your content. We will help you figure that out, too. Library Lunch and Learns are best schedule on TUESDAYS or THURSDAYS.
Depending on the content, we'll probably video tape it and post it to our wiki. We can even blog about it and give you a killer one-way link - BOOM. (That's great for your SEO, in case you were wondering).
To request library time, fill out the form below and we’ll get the right person in touch with you.