We're an Agile company - but don't follow Scrum. Our Process is best described as a phase-gate model, borrowing from a myriad of methodologies organized into PMI's process groups. Initiating PROPOSAL > KICKOFF This is the process of identifying how GoldenComm can grow another company's business. We develop a business case centered around ROI and a broad project plan to execute against those goals. Planning CONTENT CREATION > UX DESIGN > SITE SPECS > UI DESIGN Planning is a mobile first process of laying out the scope, schedule and budget for how we'll achieve the business case developed in Initiating. Executing DEVELOPMENT USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING (UAT) Executing is the process of "doing". The goal of Executing is to create and deliver the product outlined in the Planning phases Production Plan. Controlling + Monitoring PROJECT METRICS STATUS REPORTS Controlling and Monitoring is done in parallel with Executing. This is the process of managing scope, schedule and budget as outlined in Planning. Launch HOSTING > CHECKLISTS > LAUNCH Launch is all about pushing the work done in Executing to another environment (staging, live or both). LIKE DETAILS? CHECK OUT OUR WHITE PAPER CLICK HERE