It’s not hard to get to the top.
“What? That’s not what I’ve experienced.”
It’s true -- you can work your way to the top of Google SERPs if you follow the rules, keep up with algorithm updates, and go for a phrase that no one else is optimized for. Give it a try. Google: “Pumpkins at Our Core” and see where GoldenComm falls.
You might call it a win if we are #1, but who is searching that phrase? Probably not a lot of people, and not anyone who needs our services.
You’ll hear us say this: “SEO is important, but it’s over-hyped and over-sold.” What does that mean? It means that SEO has a place in every business and website, and is quite important -- but it’s not the only thing your business should rely on for digital efforts.
SEO is a portion of the pie, and should be evaluated in a specific way. The days of “we’re #1!” for a search phrase are behind us. Give us a call and find out why.
Learn About Our SEO Best Practices
We have 20 Golden Rules of Websites that Work Harder. Here are a few that relate to Search Engine Optimization.